Critical Illness Insurance offers protection by providing a lump sum in the event of a diagnosis of a serious illness. Depending on the policy or insurer, you could be covered 120 or more sicknesses and diseases. Critical Illness Insurance is often paired with life insurance or personal accident insurance, but is also offered as a stand-alone insurance. Critical Illness Insurance fills the gap between life insurance and disability insurance. Disability Insurance covers for loss of employment income due to an accident or illness, and life insurance provides a benefit upon your demise – Critical Illness pays a lump sum when you are diagnosed with a life-altering condition or illness. Critical illnesses not only affect the physical health of you or your loved ones, but can also cause significant financial burdens. From rising medical costs, with long-term stays, a critical illness can create a financial as well as health crisis for your family. At INLE Risk Management, we can help determine if you are probably managing your risks and if Critical Illness Insurance is a good solution for you.
In the event you or your loved ones are diagnosed with a serious illness, it not only affects your health but also your financial security. With Critical Illness Insurance, you can make sure you and your loved ones don’t suffer and can focus on recovering rather than hospital bills. Most people don’t plan on getting sick, and without proper risk management or planning your family could be without proper means to support the costs. Additionally, many families, particularly in Hong Kong, have a single breadwinner. If that person were to be afflicted by a serious illness would the family be able to support the ongoing costs? Particularly if the illness makes them unable to work indefinitely. At INLE Risk Management we can help you mitigate that risk, and come up with solutions to protect you and your loved ones should an unforeseen illness strike you or your family.
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